Almost Half Way There – Thank You

In December 2019 I took a big (financial) gamble.

I resigned from my well paid job in order to strike out on my own, along with the help of my partner in life and a couple of partners in business. I was taking a bet that the early support of a handful of friends and Supporters would translate help us launch this periodical we call A Rich Life.

Last week, we briefly opened to new Supporters, and later today we will close that offer. To be frank, going into it I was afraid no-one would be willing to back this new periodical given the volatility and fear caused by the coronavirus.

Fortunately, our existing Supporters shared our invitation with their friends, and a decent number of our readers took the plunge to take us another step forward. As a result, I’m almost completely certain that eventually we will become a sustainable business, although we’ll still have to grow significantly from here. I think that once the coronavirus epidemic passes, we’ll be in a good position to do just that.

What does that mean?

Up until now, I’ve been actively losing money to pay for the costs of running this website. Today, it’s fair to say the tide is turning. We are not comletely out of the woods yet, and I’m concerned we will all face a tough few months as the world grapples with a new challenge. But I now have good evidence to believe there is space for this little periodical about arts, culture, ethical investing and so much more.

Our mission is to become the subscription our subscribers love most and I’m going to give it my very best shot. But I wouldn’t have even tried without you, our readers.


Thank you to all those who have encouraged us.

Thank you to those who have given us feedback, and helped us improve.

Thank you to those who have shared our links.

Thank you to my many investor friends, who have given us so much to get us this far.

And thank you so very much to those of us who have become Supporters of A Rich Life.