As vulnerable people in Afghanistan are attempting to flee their homes and protect their families and children in the chaos of conflict, Australian artists have responded swiftly creating fundraisers which will offer aid. Read on below to discover how artists are contributing and how you can join the effort, with either a direct donation or donating by buying a work of art.

Shop a collection of affordable fine art prints from Australia’s leading contemporary artists. Most range from $200 – $300 and you can select the print size of your artwork from artists such as E.L.K, Bartolomeo Celestino and George Rose. On checkout, decide where the funds from your purchase are directed with options such as Doctors Without Borders, Save the Children and the Afghanistan Emergency Aid.
Be sure to scroll down and read the artist bio as well, their connection to the cause, and how the donation will be made; some works are discounted and represent a third or a 50% donation where as others as such E.L.K will release his Limited Edition artwork titled ‘AFN’ and donate 100% of the profit from every sale to Mahboba’s Promise, a Sydney based NGO dedicated to helping the disadvantaged woman and children of Afghanistan.

Ben Quilty is one of Australia’s most popular contemporary artists. In 2011 he was an official war artist, commissioned by the Australian War Memorial and attached to the Australian Defence Force. The artist is now fundraising for people in Afghanistan to receive food, shelter, water and protection via UNHCR.
Quilty implores you to donate, with the impressive news that “Every dollar raised here will be quadrupled, to four million dollars, dollar for dollar, by Annie and Mike Cannon-Brookes, Scott Farquahar and Kim Jackson as well as the Wilson Foundation. We must hit one million dollars on this page and then Four million will be making its way to Afghanistan.” At the time of publishing $853,795 has been raised.