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A Sample Of The Feedback We’ve Received From Supporters
I just wish I had joined his supporter program earlier.– David
Raise your bloody subscription fees!!!!! You are too cheap and i worry (probably not as much as you) that by being too cheap you might attract a certain kind of subscriber that could lead to a “watered down” service to please the masses. (me being selfish). I am sure you have it covered, just wanted to say thanks for your efforts and keep it up!– Jon
Just a quick note to say how much I’ve been appreciating your website, and your regular postings throughout the current crisis. Your posts have definitely helped me steer my modest portfolio to a better place than I would have otherwise.– Matt B
A more reserved 60 year old rode out the GFC and now I am witness to another major market disruption; life is nothing if not interesting. I can however say with certainty that one of my best investments is becoming a Rich Life Supporter.– Doug M
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