The ‘Anti-Colonial Art Auction’ by Tzedek Collective has launched to raise funds ‘to provide material support for Palestinian and Aboriginal community organisations as they fight for freedom and self-determination.’ Tzedek Collective describe themselves as an anti-colonial anti-Zionist Jewish action group, or ‘Jews in solidarity with First Nations against colonial forces’.

Profits from the initiative will go towards alQaws and Black Rainbow, two groups which are advocating for social change and support queer and gender diverse communities with their social work. Tzedek Colletive has chosen alQaws and Black Rainbow as they perceive that ‘queer and gender-diverse First Nations groups are first and foremost impacted by colonialism and occupation’ and Tzedek Collective sees the dreams of the two groups as aligned, noting a unifying desire for ‘self-determination, dignity, and the end of all systems of oppression.’

alQaws is a LGBTQ organisation that started in Jerusalem in 2001 and runs a national support hotline, builds partnerships with cultural institutions and organisations and creates media campaigns in an effort to transform public discourse and empower people of diverse sexualities and genders.
Black Rainbow works for positive health and wellbeing for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lesbian LGBQTI+SB community. It is Indigenous owned and began with the focus of suicide prevention. Now, the group has expanded its reach into policy research and offers support for those experiencing homelessness, domestic violence or the justice system.
Browsing the works up for auction is a window into the practices of leading Australian artists, with each piece for sale accompanied by a generous text canvassing the artist’s ideas, history and material choices.

You can make a direct donation or place a bid until 26 September.