Vipoo Srivilasa
COVID superheroes
Art Gallery of Ballarat, Victoria
Until 18 April
What does a COVID-19 superhero look like? Ceramicist Vipoo Srivilasa has created a collection of superheroes inspired by the dreams of people in the Ballarat community.

Clare Thackway
Between Us
Egg & Dart, Thirroul
Until 3 April
These are intimate paintings that contemplate our anxieties around contagion and a health response that seeks to separate and demarcate.

Stanislava Pinchuk
Terra Data
Heide Museum of Modern Art, Victoria
Until 20 June
While she takes places of political and physical conflict as her subject matter, her drawings attend more to the aftermath than the battle – the emotional scars and consequent suffering, which are expressed in beautiful drawings and sculptures. (Lesley Harding)

A survey exhibition of Persian art
Powerhouse Museum, Sydney
Our story here
Until 8 August
The exhibition examines how objects inspired by traditional arts and crafts were used in Persian society, focusing on seven themes: Joy and Happiness; Purification and Cleansing; Spirituality and Devotion; Poetry and Calligraphy; Rituals and Performance; Patronage and Craftsmanship; Nature and Design.

Tim Johnson
Early Works 1969-1998
Annette Larkin Fine Art, Sydney
Until 24 April
Map out Johnson’s trajectory as a painter from one of his earliest exhibited works through to the emergence of the style with which he is now identified.

The 66th Blake Prize
Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, NSW
Read our story here
Until 11 April
Religious iconography, Indigenous culture, spirituality, religion in colonialism, tributes to loved ones, Insta-tourists and self-worship, the cycles of life, animal symbols in ancient culture, queer identity, sex and love, among various perceptions and concerns for the human spirit are just some of the themes explored in the Blake Prize exhibition.

False sense of security
Curated by Halinka Orszulok
The Lock Up, Newcastle
Until 11 April
Explores the subjectivity, privilege and hidden cost of our safety.

The Image Is Not Nothing
Curated by Lisa Radford and Yhonnie Scarce
ACE Open, Adelaide
Until 24 April
When acts of genocide that have occurred in Australia since colonisation are routinely overlooked or disregarded, The Image is not Nothing (Concrete Archives) ultimately looks here and elsewhere in order to grapple with traumas that Australia as a nation has not processed.

Captions: Vipooo Srivilasa, Sunshine, 2020, Photo by Guy Grabowsky; Clare Thackway, Breath, 2020, oil on canvas, 65 x 54cm. Courtesy the artist and The Egg & Dart, New South Wales; Stanislava Pinchuk, Red Paintings 2020, 1.1 x 1.5 metres each, 3.6 x 4.8 metres (overall, framed), © the artist; War amulet, 1800s, Perisa. Powerhouse Collection. Photograph: Marinco Kojdanovski; Tim Johnson, Fragments II, 1991, acrylic on linen, 61.0 x 91.5 cm; Zanny Begg, Stories of Kannagi, 2020, video, 2 single channel HD videos, durations: 6 mins 8 sec and 12 mins 15 sec. Acknowledgements: Jiva Pathipan, Creative Director. Courtesy the artist and Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, Sydney; Heath Franco Home Town Two 2016, video still. HD digital video, stereo sound, Duration 09:47, Edition of 240 + 10 AP and Hotel (Pripyat), Chernobyl exclusion zone, 2019 courtesy of Yhonnie Scarce and Lisa Radford.