8Common (ASX:8CO)

8Common Ltd (ASX: 8CO) is an expense management company that provides Expense8 expense management software to a range of large corporate clients and government departments. 8Common also sells CardHero which supplies pre-loaded Mastercards for disbursements and expenses. CardHero is integrated with Expense8.

8Common (ASX: 8CO) was founded by Kah Wui “Nic” Lim who listed the company since it listed at 25 cents per share in 2014. At that time it consisted of Realtors8 and Expense8, but in subsequent years Realtors8 was sold to Cloudaron Group, in exchange for shares. Cloudaron Group is an extremely illiquid stock that trades (infrequently) on the Bursa Malasia. At June 30, 2021, the value of Cloudaron shares on the 8Common balance sheet was less than $1m.