Lovisa (ASX: LOV) Showcases Steady 1H FY 2024 Results
Lovisa is a high quality retailer trading at a reasonable price.
Lovisa is a high quality retailer trading at a reasonable price.
The H1 FY 2023 Lovisa (ASX: LOV) showed strong profit and revenue growth, but shareholders do take on some risk.
In Raymond Jang’s last piece for A Rich Life, he reflects on key investing lessons, his filtering process, and the road ahead as an investor.
PWR Holdings results, Objective
results, Alcidion results, Lovisa results and Laserbond results were all strong in FY 2022.
Lovisa (ASX: LOV) results for FY22 glisten on the back of massive growth in revenue and net profit after tax. However, is it still too expensive?
Lovisa has experienced significant growth on the back of its first mover advantage in the cheap fast-fashion jewellery category. Let me take you through why I think Lovisa’s best days still lie ahead.