Medadvisor Ltd (ASX:MDR) FY23 results show progress, but problems remain
There are some tantalising aspects to the MedAdvisor (ASX: MDR) thesis, but is it a bit too risky?
There are some tantalising aspects to the MedAdvisor (ASX: MDR) thesis, but is it a bit too risky?
The Q2 FY 2023 MedAdvisor quarterly cash flow report showed record receipts and more than $21 million operating cashflow, in a quarter, from a company with a market cap of less than $165 million.
With a new CEO, the acquisition of Guildlink, and the forecast that it will be “breakeven at an earnings level in FY23,” MedAdvisor is pointing to brighter days ahead.
But what are the risks?
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A safer place to play? Each of these 10 companies have announced that they are definitely benefitting from the imposition of social distancing…
The Medadvisor (ASX: MDR) share price is gaining on news it has launched its delivery offering, but long term success is not guaranteed.
While this article focuses on the share market during the pandemic, it in no way seeks to minimise the very real human tragedy that is occurring. MedAdvisor Ltd (ASX: MDR) fell 9.8 per cent on Friday, and also disclosed that Regal Funds Management has been a net seller. The fundie has sold over $1.8m in … Continued