IPD Group Ltd (ASX:IPG) H1 FY 2024 Results: How Cyclical Is It?
While profit was strong free cash flow was weak.
While profit was strong free cash flow was weak.
Profit was down but revenue was up.
Plus takeover offer rumours boosted the PSC Insurance share price.
How attractive is the current Steadfast (ASX: SDF) share price?
Lovisa is a high quality retailer trading at a reasonable price.
Dicker Data (ASX: DDR) still has demand tailwinds.
Alcidion (ASX: ALC) would probably be worth more to an acquirer, than as a public company.
Supply Network (ASX: SNL) produced solid results in line with guidance but the share price has run up considerably.
Smart Parking (ASX: SPZ) is a risky business but its profit growth might well justify the price.
After the Vysarn (ASX: VYS) H1 FY 2024 Result’s, the thesis remains on track due to a reasonable valuation and potential for growth.
Hub24 (ASX: HUB) is trading at a high multiple, but there are good reasons to expect strong growth.
Revenue growth was very pleasing but was mostly eaten up by increased employee expenses.
Objective’s profit skyrocketed but that does not give a good guide to the underlying growth rate.
Netwealth (ASX: NWL) produced strong growth in 1H FY 2024 and the Netwealth share price reached all time highs. What’s changed?
McGrath (ASX: MEA) might be a boring real estate business, but its H1 FY 2024 results were very good, and the share price is on the climb.
XRF Scientific (ASX: XRF) reported strong profit growth on modest revenue growth.
Beacon Lighting (ASX: BLX) is improving its business quality, and would certainly be attractive at the right price.
Contract wins were strong but profit was weak.
RPM Global’s headline profit result was strong, but is the devil in the detail?